Is Google Keep really better than OneNote, EverNote and other Note Pad apps? Methinks no!

When I first heard about the Google Keep note pad app, and how it synced with all of my other Google stuff, I thought that it should easily fit into my life and replace my reliance on ColorNote, which I've found to be pretty damned sufficient for my needs.

Primarily, I need a note pad app to, well, take notes. Jot down ideas, grocery lists, jokes, whatever. And ColorNote works great in that regard, but hey Google is firmly attached to my life, and to be able to easily access it on all of my devices and my laptop sounded like a great idea.

However, the "easily" part isn't working out.

The Google peeps need to spend a bit more time thinking about their interface and how it interacts with users.  Or at least make it easy to find answers to simple questions.

I downloaded the app and creating new notes or lists was quite simple. Okay, I have a couple of notes that I want to access on my laptop. Being a Google app, it stands to reason that I only need to log into my Google account, Gmail, etc. and there should be some sort of button to push to access my new Google Keep account. Let's look.

Okay, right there in the Google menu bar is Google+, Search, Images, Maps, Play, YouTube, News, Gmail, Drive, Calendar and More. Nope, none of those indicate Google Keep is lurking below them. So, I'll click on More. And there I find: Translate, Mobile, Books, Offers, Wallet, Shopping, Blogger, Finance, Photos, Videos and Even more.

Damn it! If you claim that it's "easily" accessed on your laptop or P.C., I'm thinking that it should be easy and obvious where the notes are located in the account with which the app is associated. None of the More's say anything about Google Keep. So let's try the "Even mores."

Wow! Another page jam packed with a crap load of links to Web, Mobile, Media, Geo, Home and Office, Social, Specialized Search and Innovation. But, again, not one gives a strong indication that they are in any way connected to Google Keep.

So, now I have spent, nay, wasted quite a bit of time trying to do what I was originally told was "simple."

Oh, I'm sure some of you will email me and them me that I'm the "simple"ton because it was easy for them to discover where there stuff was, but hey I'm just telling you how it was for me.

So now I'm thinking that I must have missed something in the app that told me exactly where to go to view it online. Here's a screen capture from my RAZR of the opened app (wanna know how to do a screen capture on an Android device? Click here.). Do you see anything? Me either.

After clicking on the menu in the app and then on Help I was taken to the web, where I also got no help. I found a page which informed me that Google Keep is an app that lets me easily create notes on the go and since it syncs with Google I can access them virtually from anywhere. HOW?????

Although I'm going to dig deeper and figure this out, shame on Google for making it so difficult. With my ColorNotes app, I "simply" email my notes to myself and guess what? I can access those notes virtually anywhere by simply opening my Gmail account.

I'm thinking that maybe I won't even bother keeping Google Keep.

NOTE: I just read another review of the Google Keep app, and discovered that you can access it through your Google Drive account (even though there is NO DAMN LISTING FOR GOOGLE KEEP WHEN YOU GO TO YOUR DRIVE PAGE) by accessing If you put the Google Keep notes in that location, don't you think that there should be a Keep button to push on the Drive page? Me too.

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