While Siri is down on the iPhone network, Vlingo is virtually assistant-ing quite well

I must admit when I first saw the the Siri virtual assistant feature on the iPhone 4S I though it was pretty damned cool. But, except to impress your friends by asking stupid questions and getting smart-ass answers from the virtual assistant lady, it seems more of a novelty than a really great productivity app. Especially when it seems to go down on a semi-frequent basis. Hey, maybe that would be a good question for Siri, "Do you go down?" The answer could be interesting if Siri has her mind in the gutter.

It is entertaining asking Siri trick questions like "what is the meaning of life?" (she has a quite long and almost profound answer to that) and "what are you wearing?" (she has an answer for that too). But, after the novelty wears off and you want to get to actually using Siri as a personal virtual assistant is she really any better than the Vlingo Virtual Assistant for Android devices?

I've been using Vlingo on my HTC Thunderbolt 4G for a few months now, and I do find it very useful for making calls, texting and finding restaurants or businesses nearby. It admittedly isn't as cool as Siri when you ask it stupid questions though.

Siri isn't just a virtual personal assistant, she's a smart-ass virtual personal assistant.

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