How to use your Droid as a hidden camera right out in the open

I'm not suggesting that you use your Droid as a hidden camera to spy and tape adult oriented videos or porn. No, no. I'm suggesting you sneakily use your Droid camera to capture the funny in life.

A couple of years ago I came up with another brilliant (?) concept called The idea was simple: since almost every cell phone has a video camera feature, why shouldn't we all just tape our lives and edit out the boring and post the funny/entertaining/odd stuff on Cell Phone Reality TV.

Well, the concept hasn't taken off big time. Partially because I haven't dedicated much time to the project. Yet in 2010 the traffic to the site almost quadrupled from 2009 with well over 15,000 unique visitors.

So right now the site consists primarily of clips that I made or like. And now it's your turn. Help me out here. Use your Droid to capture the funny shit that occurs all around you.

If I have one complaint about my original Droid A855 (and the Droid X and Droid 2) it's that the camera is on the back making using video chat apps REALLY annoying, having to flip it over to see the other person, giving them a great view of your wall or whatever is in front of you. This creates much confusion as both of you are often looking at the screen at the same time and seeing the other party's background. Solution: only video chat on a Droid when standing in front of a mirror.

Since I can't easily use my current Droid to video chat, I had to find a positive in the design. I discovered that with proper hand placement you can make the world think you're chatting on the phone when in fact you're taping them or your surroundings. Perfect for getting more footage for!

First, make sure you turn off the video light. Once you do this, there is no red light or other indication that you're taking a video.You just have to stand there with your subject on the phone side and it looks like you're just talking.

Now, when something wacky occurs around you, pull out your Droid, push the camera button, switch it to video and hold it up to your ear like you're on a call. You can even do commentary without anyone thinking you're (too) crazy.

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